Crypto Kindness: 40,000 Iftar Meals For The Needy In Ramadan 2024 — Donate For Islam With Cryptocurrency

Donate for Islam
2 min readApr 15, 2024

As the crescent moon ushers in the blessed month of Ramadan 2024, our Islamic charity is filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve. With the support of our generous donors, we have embarked on a heartfelt mission to prepare and cook nearly 40,000 iftar meals for fasting individuals and the needy. This report is a testament to the power of unity and the impact of crypto donations in making a difference.

Iftar: A Meal of Togetherness

The breaking of the fast at sunset is a time-honored tradition that brings people together in a moment of shared serenity. In Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia, our teams have worked tirelessly to ensure that hot, nutritious meals grace the tables of those awaiting the call to maghrib. It’s more than just food; it’s an act of love and community. We were very interested and we even had kitchens and a good cooking team in Afghanistan and Sudan, but unfortunately we could not serve in these countries due to the limitations of the received donations. Inshallah, we will be able to do it next year with your help.

The Generosity of Giving

We owe the success of this initiative to the unwavering support of our donors, whose contributions have been the backbone of our efforts. The crypto donations have not only provided the means but also the inspiration for others to join in this noble cause. May the blessings of Allah shower upon these kind souls for their good deeds.

Reflecting on Our Journey

As we conclude Ramadan 2024, we reflect on the journey we’ve undertaken. From sourcing ingredients to the final plating, every step was imbued with the intention of serving Allah’s creation. This report is not just a summary of tasks completed; it’s a narrative of hope, perseverance, and the spirit of Ramadan.

In closing, we extend our deepest thanks to all who have been a part of this endeavor. Your crypto donations have transcended mere transactions; they have become a symbol of solidarity and compassion. As we look forward to future Ramadans, we remain committed to spreading kindness and uplifting lives through our actions.

Originally published at on April 15, 2024.



Donate for Islam

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